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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Toys R Us/Babies R Us 6/13-6/19

"Our Hottest Apple Deals Ever" Sale!

Buy an Apple iPod Touch 32GB for $299.99 and get a $50 Gift Card
Buy an Apple iPod touch 8GB for $1.99.99 and get a $25 Gift Card
Buy and Apple 5th Generation iPod Nano 8GB for $149.99 and get a $15 Gift Card


FREE Vivitar Speakers when you buy ANY Apple iPod touch or 5th Gen nano. (In stores only)

25% off All Belkin iPod Accessories.

20% off All iPod Docks

FREE Toy Story Movie Ticket with ANY Toy Story purchase of $25 or more. In-store Only.

20% off all Barbie Toy Story 3 Dolls
New Toy Story 3 Action Links Sunnyside Breakout Stunt Set. Normally $24.99, on sale for $19.99!
Toy Story 3 Buddy 2-pks 2 for $9.99
20% off Toy Story Collection Figures, $39.99 each
20% off Toy Story 3 Buddy Figures 7 pack, only $19.99
Tory Story 3 Wii Game, $49.99 (Available Tuesday!)

FREE Exclusive Lego Star Wars Pen and Mini Figure
with ANY Lego Games and Construction Set purchase of $19.99 or more.


Free $15 Gift Card when you buy ANY two Huggies value box of diapers
All Gerber 2-pk purees and Gerber Graduate Lil' Meals 10 for $10
All Gerber Graduates Lil' Entrees, Puffs, Wagon Wheels and Lil' Crunchies on sale 5 for $10



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