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Saturday, August 1, 2009

ANOTHER smoking hot Catalina promotion at Albertsons!

Due to overlapping Catalina promotions, the following deals are working at Albertsons: (Northwest region)

(7) 25.4 oz bottles of Dove Shampoo/Conditioner @ $4.99 each = $34.93
Use 7 $1/1 coupons from the 6/7 or 8/2 Redplum inserts - $7.00
Use 3 doublers - $3.00
Total out of pocket: $24.93
Then $27 in OYNSO coupons will print out! These are valid On Your Next Shopping Order (OYNSO) and can be used just like cash. These will print in the form of 3 $5 OYSNO coupons compliments of General Mills, Unilever, and Dr. Pepper, 1 $2 OYNSO coupon compliments of Unilever, and 1 $10 OYNSO coupon compliments of Unilever.

Final price is FREE, plus you earn a couple of bucks!

(10) 500 ct Q-tips @ $3.00 each = $30
Minus 10 $.30/1 coupons from the 5/17 or 8/2 Redplum inserts
Total out of pocket: $27.00
Then $27 in OYNSO coupons will print out! These are valid On Your Next Shopping Order (OYNSO) and can be used just like cash. These will print in the form of 3 $5 OYSNO coupons compliments of General Mills, Unilever, and Dr. Pepper, 1 $2 OYNSO coupon compliments of Unilever, and 1 $10 OYNSO coupon compliments of Unilever.

Final price: FREE

You should be able to mix and match the above items as well.


Spencer said...

Has anyone actually tried this yet? On a related note, I bought two 6-packs of Dove soap at my Albertsons on Thursday, and the $3 catalina did not print. The cashier was very helpful and ran a separate transaction at a different register, and it didn't print there either. I called Catalina and they are "researching" it.

jenn said...

Does this work in CA??

Maranda & Sariah said...

How long is this catalina good for?

Stephie said...

Spencer yes many people have tried it successfully. You can read about it in in the forums in the Utah Albertson's Ad thread. I did it twice last night with a combination of Dove Shampoo & Conditioner, Q-tips, & Vasaline Clincal Strength lotion.

PeteS said...

Just two quick questions OYNSO means on your next shopping order right? And then when they say These will print in the form of 3 $5 OYSNO coupons compliments of General Mills, Unilever, and Dr. Pepper, 1 $2 OYNSO coupon compliments of Unilever, and 1 $10 OYNSO coupon compliments of Unilever. Does this mean you can use them only on those products from whom the compliments originate or any product you want? I'm new to this whole catalina thing. TIA.

Christy Tull said...

Is this valid in Idaho?

Tiffany said...

I have the same question as Pete S. Thank you!

Johanna said...

you can use the catalinas on anything. they are just like cash. Just watch expiration dates, they can sneak up on you.

PYP said...

To answer your questions....

This deal is valid in Idaho.

OYNSO (On Your Next Shopping Order) coupons can be used just like cash on items of your choice, not just General Mills items, etc. They exclude only prescriptions and items excluded by law.

Tim and Lisa said...

Anyone have a list of what is included in this?

jenn said...

Anyone know if it works in So. Cal?

PYP said...

There are only 3 items that are part of both promos. Two of them are listed in the blog post.
*Q-Tips, 300, 375, 500 ct
*Dove 24.5 oz shampoo & Conditioner
*Vasoline Clinical Strength lotion 6.8 oz

amyandbobjohnson said...

how much do i have to spend to get these catalinas?

PYP said...

Amy, see the spot in the post where it says "Total out of pocket: X.XX"
You spend a certain amount initially, but basically get the same amount (or more) back in OYNSO Catalina coupons, which can be used just like cash to purchase whatever you want on your next order.

amyandbobjohnson said...

I just wondered if there was a certain amount needed to get the catalinas to print like $25 or $30 Thanks, Im still new to this

PYP said...

Yes, one of the promotions is spend $30, get $12 back OYNSO, and one is spend $30, get $15 back OYNSO. Does that help?

Spencer said...

So the Dove Shampoo is part of the $15 OYNSO deal, even though it's not in the ad? Are there any other items that are part of the deal that aren't in the ad?

Anonymous said...

Is this deal still going on with the new Unilever promo (spend $30 save $15)? If so, does anyone know when it ends?

Anonymous said...

Is this deal still going on with the new Unilever promo (spend $30 save $15)? If so, does anyone know when it ends?

Maranda & Sariah said...

Does anyone know when these cats expire?

Maranda & Sariah said...

Sorry to post so many comments. So I should be able to buy any combo of Dove Shampoo 25.4 oz 500ct qtips and vaseline clinical strength 6.8 oz as long as it rings up to $30?

Fernando said...

I don't see the coupons in yesterday's Redplum-it is different for WA?

Fernando said...

It is still a good deal with out the coupons? I think it makes the Dove 1.13 each and the Q-tips .30 each?

shelly said...

Does anyone know when this overlaping cat deal ends?

amyandbobjohnson said...

Thank you so much for the info about this deal. I bought 3 dove, a vasaline clinical lotion, and 4 q-tips. After q's and doubles I spent $22.xx (including tax) and got back $22 in catalinas!(I think if i bought another q-tip I would have received the other $5 catalina.) Then I rolled these catalinas into the ragu deal and the other gen mills promo. You wouldn't believe how much i bought today with that $22!! Thank You so much!

Malinda Jane Sieg said...

When does this double catalina thing end? Our Albertsons are out until Wednesday. Just wondering. Thanks!

PYP said...

The $12/$30 Unilever Catalina ends 8/9 and the $15/$30 Unilever/General Mills Catalina ends 8/11. So we have through the 9th for the overlap.

Tanya said...

My Albertson had to send a request to the Catalina company for the $12, but I got the $15 catalina with no problems!

Unknown said...

I went to Albertson's yesterday and bought 7 Dove Shampoo and Conditioners and only got 3 $5 Cats. Is there anything I can do. Can I go back and return them and buy them again?

Unknown said...

I went to Albertson's yesterday and bought 7 Dove Shampoo and Conditioners and only got 3 $5 Cats. Is there anything I can do. Can I go back and return them and buy them again?

Amber Warner said...

I am fairly new to this and am wondering if this works in Utah.

jenda greenlee said...

I AM SO MAD!!! i went into the logan albertsons this morning and i got 7 dove shampoos/conditioner and had 7 coupons, when i got done checking out the catalinas never printed so my checker went and asked the manager about it and while he was talking to every single employee that walked by, he was somewhat trying to help. i know i got the right ones because the sign said so...blah blah blah, so he refunded the transaction so i could go back and look for different ones to see if they would work and he wouldn't give me the coupons back or deduct a dollar off each of the new ones....he said coupons were a one time thing...hello dude i'm starting this transaction i pretty much just walked into albertsons today and handed them my coupons and didn't even buy anything!!!! ugh!!!

Emily said...

bk and jenda, And they get the money from your coupons too (refunded by the manufacturers!!!)

Fernando said...

This worked great in WA

Anonymous said...

I'm in Logan and I wanted to try this deal, but I looked through my paper twice and couldn't find any 8/2 RP's. Did anyone else have this problem?

Taggart Photography said...

I just did the Dove and it worked!! Thanks for the heads up!

Anonymous said...

My Albertson's got their shipment in today, but they didn't get any Dove :(. But, I did get lotion and q-tips. All of the 10 oz lotions worked. Even the 6.8oz cocoa butter oil worked. So it wasn't just the 6.8 clinical strength that got the $27. Great deal PYP!


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