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PYP on the news!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Internet/Printable Coupons are Gaining Popularity! PYP way ahead of curve (Part 1)

A recent CNET news article highlighted that printable coupon sites are gaining in popularity as a source for individuals to save money. The ease and convenience is something that many of us die-hard couponers have known for years. But what are the better to print from sites AND did you know that more of your favorite stores are getting into the printable coupon game, too? (we'll discuss this in part 2 of this discussion later this week)

Pinching Your Pennies Has an Entire Forum Dedicated to Printable Coupons that is Updated Daily with the Best and Most Recent Printables Available on the Net. A must daily stop!

You can visit some of the hot coupon sites (like, mentioned in the CNET article, but if you want to know the best deals suited for your favorite grocery store that will maximize your savings, be sure to visit your state's best list. Volunteer listmakers have matched up the sale items with insert coupons AND printables, too. Your savings will be maximized IF you follow this one simple step

The CNET news article mentioned a few sites that can garner you savings in varying amounts if you choose to shop online. There's no need to mention the sites as PYP has already taken the lead in this, too. Sincy PYP's founding 5 years ago, the administration has given its site users coupon codes, discounts and hot deals to online retailers. The amount of money saved collectively can not be comprehended by me at this time, but I know it well over hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of dollars. And since online shopping revenue is what pays for Pinching Your Pennies, it is even more important to shop online through any PYP affiliate link when you can. Besides the deals the staff find are truly amazing. Check out the online forum.

This is but a taste of how internet printable/online coupon codes help make our shopping easier. Next I'll be talking about how retailers are jumping on the internet coupon bandwagon and helping us save even more money.



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