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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Penny Saved is About 1.5 Cents Earned

Do your friends ever question the amount of time and effort you put into saving money, couponing, bargain hunting, and frugal living? While it is important to be moderate, it helps to remember that the money you save is worth far more than the money you earn. Check it out; you may be surprised at how much per hour you're really making.

If you can't view this video in the blog, you can watch it directly on YouTube.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I get the comments. People think that using coupons takes HOURS of work, and really I'd be surprised if it's taking 10 minutes out of my day. Once you have an organized system and you keep up with it, it's really not time consuming. I have started tracking money saved by coupons. With coupons only (not counting the store specials), I save about $200 or more per month, which is $2,400 per year. Something that is definitely worth a few minutes spent per day.

I think the mindset that people have against coupons is that they remember their mother or grandmother using them, and at that time, coupons were worth only .15 to .25 cents each. If that was their face value now, it wouldn't be worth it. But now, coupons are worth $1, $2, $3 each and more. It's also how you use them that matters. Use them on top of a 'buy one get one free' deal or sale price....and when you use them for BOGO deals, you use a coupon for EACH item, not just the first item.

Starting to use coupons when you're not used to working with them does take some time in the beginning. I would advise someone to give it at least 3 months.

I hope this helps someone!

Heidi said...


That's such a good point. I think that three months is a really reasonable time frame. After that, you start to really get in the groove.


Heidi said...

Your comment about the small cents off coupons is also very spot on.

Sherri said...

Great video and post Heidi!!!!


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