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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Make $25 instantly when you sign up at Revolution Money Exchange!

Revolution Money Exchange was started by AOL founder Steve Case to compete with Paypal. They are offering a $25 bonus when you register before May 15th! It is FREE to register and FREE to transfer money to your bank account or other MoneyExchange accountholders!

It's a quick and easy sign up, and the $25 credit is applied to your account INSTANTLY. They ask for the same information you would need when you open a bank account, including a SSN. If you've done any online banking, you're probably pretty comfortable with the security of online banking systems. Account issued by First Bank & Trust, Brookings, SD, Member FDIC and part of the Fishback Financial Corporation.

Click here to sign up & receive your $25 credit!

For more information on Revolution Money Exchange, check out this article from USA Today.



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